ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > SüdKulturFonds | grants for international cultural cooperation with Switzerland


31 Aug 2013

SüdKulturFonds | grants for international cultural cooperation with Switzerland

None 1412_122559_afropfipubliThe Swiss cultural grants fund called SüdKulturFonds provides shortfall guarantees and project-specific contributions to support productions and events that include artists from Asia.  The aim of this support is to facilitate access to the Swiss and European cultural market and to professional networks for artists from southern and eastern countries of the world

Note: grant call also covers cultural productions and events that include artists from Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe (non-EU countries).

The aim of this support is to facilitate access to the Swiss and European cultural market and to professional networks for artists from southern and eastern countries of the world, particularly the partner countries of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (list).

Priority is given to artistically independent and convincing music and film projects.

SüdKulturFonds is financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Project applications should only be submitted to the Office for Cultural Cooperation artlink, who will judge the applications together with industry experts.

Deadlines for applications of over CHF 5'000:
31st January | 30th April | 31st August | 30th November

Commitee of experts music: Elisabeth Stoudmann (Lausanne), Thomas Burkhalter (Berne), Roberto Haçaturyan (Baden), Mauro Abbühl (Berne).

Commitee of experts film: Ursula Pfander (Berne), Markus Baumann (Souboz), Mauro Abbühl (Berne)