ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Sweden | Art Inside Out Residency


05 Nov 2021

Sweden | Art Inside Out Residency

Art Inside Out invites applications for an artistic residency where “ecological literacy” is used as point of departure in a movement through two similar ecological conditions: (1) the meeting between the sea north of city of Varberg and the river Viskan and (2) the earthy landscape surrounding the city of Laholm, Sweden.

Four artists will be selected for the 12 weeks residency in 2022.  Submissions from Swedish and international artists in all art fields are welcome.

Between the rains, is a temporary space for action, in between downpours and radical fluxes in water flows. It also contains a scanning of landscapes as highly entangled ecological systems difficult to delimit, and an inescapable turning point in an unsustainable line of development, or a concept of time where we wait in silence and anticipation for the rain to once again fall. 

Between the rains wishes to evoke other modes to understand and relate to ecology and ecological systems. Cartographic readings that are not contained in a singular run-off map, analysis of soil quality, inventory of species or spatial mapping, but instead consolidates them in a interconnected gleam of nuances, subjects, relationships, cross readings and layers. Therefor we are looking for artistic practices that are nurtured by the many interdisciplinary questions about ethics, politics and knowledge which escort such a shift. Artistry that are at the same time interested in working within a decentralisation of human activities and searching for equal alliances between species where coexistence, mutual learning and carefully managed relationships are brought in to focus and replacing an endless quest for surplus and dominance.  

Throughout the residency, and in concurrence with present research about climate and community transition, we try to develop our understanding of the systems and places we engage with. We are hoping for the residency to facilitate explorations into the capacity for artistic competences and critical imagination – especially within planing and transition processes – to bridge knowledge gaps, expose conditions, nudge norms, inverse perspectives and indicate alternative acting spaces.  

Art Inside Out is inviting four artists to a 12-week residency in 2022 

The residency schedule is as follows: research (May 30–June 17), production & presentation (August 29–October 30).* 

Each accepted artist will receive equivalent to 138 000 SEK (F-taxable, exclusive VAT, paid by invoice) for a 12 week long residency, and a production budget of 20 000 SEK. The artist is responsible for paying applicable taxes in their home country. Art Inside Out covers associated costs such as travel, housing, workspaces and process management.**