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Opportunities > Sweden | Dance Ignition Lab - crossdisciplinary residency call


03 Sep 2015

Sweden | Dance Ignition Lab - crossdisciplinary residency call



Dance Ignition Lab: Tranås is a new model of cross-disciplinary residency, taking place in Sweden 25 November – 9 December 2015. Applications invited from Swedish and International dance artists/choreographers, as well as musicians, designers, tech experts, artists of all forms.

Deadline for applications: 3 September 2015

Kultivera ( is seeking applications to participate in Dance Ignition Lab: Tranås, a model of research residency, which aims to stimulate discussion, debate, and to identify new ways of working across multiple disciplines and cultural contexts.

Dance Ignition Lab is a concept developed by Sheila Creevey MBA – Dance Consultant, who will curate and facilitate the residency. This project is a co-production by Sheila Creevey and Kultivera; connecting creativity through the Coracle Europe Partnership.

What is Dance Ignition Lab?

Dance Ignition Lab is a Residency model that aims to support new cross-disciplinary working methods, with a focus on dance development. Inspired by intensive development processes seen in the tech sector among others, it is a “Lean” model that is about responding, innovating and creating new contexts for artistic production.

This project provides an opportunity for the participants to develop new ideas for international collaborative projects and build on their collective skills and experience to find new working models.

Dance Ignition Lab will:

  • have a local and international presence – online and offline

  • build a community of practice by sharing outcomes of research

  • require artists / participants to present and document an idea for a project / working process at the end of the residency period.

Who can apply?

We are seeking applications from Swedish and International dance artists/choreographers, as well as musicians, designers, tech experts, artists of all forms. We will consider applications from individuals or collectives.

We are particularly interested this year to involve creative / product designers, architects or scientists.

Applicants must:

have an interest in collaborative working

  • be seeking to work with the artform of Dance,

  • be open to experimentation,

  • and, be willing to engage in a facilitated process.

Dance Ignition Lab: Tranås will bring together 3 to 5 international participants to share current practice, develop and try new ideas, and engage with local communities

The curated nature of this residency means that we may bring together multiple dance artists, or indeed, participants who work across multiple artforms or contexts. It is important that you are open to working across disciplines, with different personalities, and sharing your process.

What will it involve?

Dance Ignition Lab: Tranås will involve:

2 week residency for 3 or more artists / participants (At least 1 dance artist/choreographer)

  • A facilitated exchange process between the participants

  • Space to create, interact, and become involved in shared processes

  • An open discussion on dance and cross- / inter- disciplinary practices

  • Open studio sharings

The working language for this residency will be English.

What is on offer?

2 week residency at Kultivera, in Tranås, Sweden, including:

Studio Space (24 hour access)

Accommodation (at the Residence), Food and Utilities

Artists must organise their own transport - travel grants are not available.

See website for how to apply.