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Opportunities > Swedish dance company call for Australian partners for exchange project


17 Nov 2013

Swedish dance company call for Australian partners for exchange project



ilDance (Sweden) is working towards a large scale international and intercultural exchange between contemporary performers and artists in Sweden and Australia. The production and concept surrounds the theme of isolation. ilDance is looking for Australian collaborators and partners to work with (artistic organisations, festivals, production teams, choreographers, freelance artists, dance companies and theatres).

The partner search is open till 17 November 2013

See website for details of how to submit information and more on the proposed project.

ilDance is an independent and international contemporary dance company and a production coordinating collective based in Gothenburg, Sweden.

ilDance was founded as a result of Israel Aloni and Lee Brummer's humble belief in the diversity of  methods and ways to produce and create contemporary performing arts. They sensed that the time has come to channel their many years of experience into a new entity which would introduce new orders and patterns into the otherwise preconceived system of independent dance around the world today.

Image: Håkan Larsson - from '... and also, time'