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Opportunities > Tara Pacific | call for artist-in-residence projects


03 Apr 2016

Tara Pacific | call for artist-in-residence projects



A call for artists-in-residence projects for the next Tara expedition - Tara PACIFIC 2016-2018 | Tara Expeditions is offering artist-in-residencies aboard the schooner during the upcoming Tara PACIFIC expedition. Artists are invited to submit their projects.

agnès b., co-founder and sponsor of Tara Expeditions, but also gallery owner, designer and collector for 40 years, supports artists through her Galerie du Jour in Paris and her art collection. Tara Expeditions regularly invites artists aboard the schooner for residencies.

The presence of artists on board is an innovative and relevant way to raise public awareness about the environment and the challenges facing us in the 21st century to protect our environment.

A selection committee will meet to review the projects received. Selected artists will leave for a month’s residency aboard the famous schooner Tara during Tara Pacific, an expedition devoted to the study of coral reefs and their biodiversity in the face of global change.

The Tara Pacific expedition route
Tara will set sail for Asia and the Pacific for two years of research on coral reefs.
First year: departure from Lorient, France on May 29 for Colombia, then Easter Island, French Polynesia, the Cook Islands, Samoa, Wallis and Futuna Islands, before sailing north towards Japan.
Second year: Papua New Guinea and Southeast Asia.
Tara will welcome aboard 8 artists for one month each (depending on the route) between 2016 and 2018.

The call for proposals is open until April 3, 2016

To apply, please fill in this application form including:
- Your motivations (max. 1 page)
- A statement of intent for a residency aboard (approx. 1/2 page)
- A link to the portfolio of your work (or send it to Base Tara - 11 Boulevard Bourdon - 75004 Paris)
- Your potential sponsors
- Your availability (2016-2017-2018)

NB: Tara Expeditions can neither finance travel costs nor production of artistic works. Only accommodation on board Tara is included.

The outcome of the residencies will be a group exhibition of works produced during
or just after the expedition. Tara reserves the right to use the works for raising public awareness.

Criteria for evaluating applications:
- Artistic value
- Relevance: understanding of the issues
- Originality: ability to propose new approaches, themes or points of view
- Pedagogy: ability to convey a message, to raise awareness
- Commitment
- Feasibility of the project

Related articles:

- For more information on the expedition:

- Residencies during Tara Mediterranean:

- Tara exhibition, a journey around the Mediterranean in the agnès b. Galerie du Jour