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Opportunities > Technarte | international conference on Art and Technology | call for papers


14 Oct 2012

Technarte | international conference on Art and Technology | call for papers


Technarte is an international conference on art and technology organised in Bilbao, Spain since 2006. A call for papers for Technarte 2013 is issued.

After six editions, Technarte has become one of the most important events of its kind in Europe.

The main aim of Technarte is to present technological developments that enhance a broader expression of modern art, and to provide a forum for debate and reflection on the convergence between technology and art.

In Technarte, the interaction between Technological Innovation and Contemporary Art applies to reality; the state-of-the-art technological innovations allow artists to explore endless possibilities; and the technological society uses the creativity of the artists as an inspiration to new technological projects.

Technarte is directed to Technology & Art Professionals. The attendees to Technarte are Researchers and Developers from International Technological Research Centres, Culture Management Professionals, Universities, Artists, Art, Architecture and Innovation Professionals from Public Administrations, Students, etc.

Call for Papers

You can also be part of Technarte and promote your artistic and technological projects in this great forum formed by artists and experts in technology from all around the world. Here, you will be able to share your experiences and will discover transgressor and surprising initiatives.

If your paper is selected to be part of the Programme of Technarte, you will be invited to attend to the full conference. In addition, the organisation will provide you 3 nights of hotel and will cover your travel expenses*

*Up to 700€ depending on the place of origin of the speaker. Please, contact us if you need more information.

Send your paper by email to before October 14th. In order to send your paper, you should download the template for paper submission, that includes:

  • Personal data of the speaker (name, address, phone and photo)

  • Abstract

  • Speaker´s short biography

  • Audiovisual material (videos and photos) of the project