Techniques and Instruments for Conservation of Monuments and Artefacts | INTACH India expert workshop call

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India proposes to host a 2-day workshop that will bring together experts from ASEM* countries working in the field of heritage conservation. The workshop will be held in New Delhi. Applications invited.
The workshop will be co-hosted by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH). INTACH will be the ‘Knowledge Partner’ for this workshop.
Conservation of cultural heritage is a crucial area that needs urgent and worldwide attention. While the field is growing in multiple dimensions and directions, the gap between theory and practice is widening. This gap has its own specificities with regard to conservation approaches and practices in regional contexts. Some nations are taking big leaps in technology and techniques, while others are continuing with practices that have culturally evolved on the basis of traditional knowledge and craftsmanship.
A broad aim of this workshop is to share the advancements in conservation techniques and instruments, both traditional and modern, amongst the ASEM countries and create an environment of shared learning and progress.
The focus areas of this workshop will be: Conservation of historic buildings and arte facts found in museums and art collections (including wall paintings, textiles, paper, paintings etc).
Some of the key objectives of this interactive workshop are:
a) Exchange of knowledge, skills, instrumentation and technologies,
b) Develop opportunities for joint collaborative projects and research,
c) Explore possibilities of developing local solutions and production units,
d) Capacity-building in modern scientific techniques for conservation,
e) Develop projects focused on methodologies of using modern equipment, advanced techniques, new materials etc.; and
f) Address issues related to documentation, archiving, interpretation, conservation and management of heritage.
The workshop will highlight the importance of heritage conservation in the agenda for development, management and maintenance of rural and urban environments. Another important area of focus will be the development of museums, conservation laboratories, display, storage techniques and facilities along with materials & equipment used for conservation.
The target participation for the workshop includes:
• Government agencies, Cultural practitioners, Professional organizations
Academics, Non-Governmental organizations, Conservators, Curators, Industry Representatives, Researchers and Students
• Leading business partners that could contribute to the objectives of the
workshop may also be invited to support and participate in the workshop
PLEASE consult website for how to apply.
Last date for application: Friday 30th December 2016
Venue: INTACH, 71 Lodhi Estate, New Delhi
*The ASEM Members are: Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, the Lao PDR, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Viet Nam, the European Union and the ASEAN Secretariat.
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