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Opportunities > The New European Bauhaus Festival 2024


15 Sep 2023

The New European Bauhaus Festival 2024

The European Commission has 4 open calls for the second edition of the New European Bauhaus Festival, to be held 18–20 April 2024 with the theme of “Resources for all”. Core activities will take place in Brussels, with satellite events across the European Union and beyond.

The Festival brings together people from all walks of life to debate and shape a future that is sustainable, inclusive and beautiful. In 2024, the Festival will explore subtopics such as shelter and living environments, land and water, fashion and human wellbeing in light of the changing environment. This inclusive and human-centric approach aims to inspire and engage individuals in embracing sustainable choices and fostering a deep connection to the New European Bauhaus movement.

The Festival encompasses 4 key pillars:

  • Forum: a platform for engaging discussions and the exchange of ideas 
  • Fair: a laboratory and exhibition highlighting projects and prototypes 
  • Fest: a celebration that unites culture, art, and conviviality, serving as a moment of collective rejoicing, honouring freedom of expression and embracing radical, innovative, and disruptive ideas and visions
  • Satellite events: events and initiatives organised independently in Brussels and beyond

The calls are for:

  • Satellite events
  • Fair: Laboratory and project showcase
  • Fest: Cultural and artistic activities
  • Media partners

Interested organisations and individuals can propose their own activities, projects or satellite events to one of the 3 calls to become a spotlight feature of the Festival. The fourth call is the call for media partners.

To support the participation of artists in the Fest, the organisers are offering coverage for travel expenses. Additionally, a flat fee will be allocated to selected activities to contribute to the fair remuneration of artists.

New European Bauhaus Festival 2024 application guidelines

Deadline: 15 September 2023