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Opportunities > Tokyo Designers Week | Arigato Award | open call


30 Sep 2011

Tokyo Designers Week | Arigato Award | open call


Design Association Tokyo announces the ARIGATO project for professional artists, designers and others to submit art and design work on the theme of LOVE for a special exhibition during Tokyo Designers Week 2011 (1-6 Nov).

Dear Designers & Artists

We’ve been receiving warm support from all over the world since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
It wasn’t just people in Japan who were affected, people in many countries showed their warmth and support through various creative initiatives, making new connections and bonds across the world.

We are proud to introduce “ARIGATO” project, founded in association with “TOKYO AWARD”, an art and design TV show in Japan and DESIGN ASSOCIATION NPO.

We are kindly asking professional creators, universities, and members of public to submit their art/design work under the theme of “LOVE”.

The project will be displayed at a special exhibition during TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK 2011 and will also be published in a special book.

During this difficult time, we were overwhelmed with messages of support from around the world - we are very grateful to be able to say ARIGATO!  Japanese words such as “MOTTAINAI”, and “SAYONARA” have entered the global vocabulary, we would like to add “ARIGATO” too!

We believe that design has the power to help rebuild Japan and do good around the world.


Please check the website for all application guidelines, 9 creative categories for competition and details of entry fees.

Learn more about how to support the ARIGATO project and how the funds raised will be used. You can donate to the project as an individual. All donations to ARIGATO PROJECT will be used to support art & design related educational activities.