TorinoFilmLab: Script&Pitch Workshops

Every year TorinoFilmLab offers Script&Pitch Workshops, an advanced script development course for scriptwriters and directors of first and second features from all over the world.
The course lasts from March to January (11 months) and foresees 3 residential workshops, 2 on line sessions and 1 Alumni meeting. It follows the entire scriptwriting process, offering close collaboration and insights into the challenges of each step, from generating ideas and structuring the material through first and second drafts, up to a final pitch in front of producers and sales agents who will be invited to a new meeting event on November 2011, during the next Torino Film Festival.
On this occasion, a group of decision makers will assign up to six Development Awards, that will allow the chosen filmmakers to work on their projects for another year at TorinoFilmLab, through the Development program.
Who can apply?
Script&Pitch Workshops - TFL Training is for both scriptwriters and story editors and is therefore open to professional scriptwriters, writer-directors, as well as to story editors, writer-producers and development executives. Most of our participants already have a production company interested in their project and are looking for development training to enhance both the universality and personal voice of the project. However, it is not necessary that a producer is already attached to the project.
Applicants must confirm their availability for the workshops and the final pitch.
The working language of all Script&Pitch Workshops - TFL Training meetings and events is English; thus, a good knowledge of English is essential in order to participate.
Workshops & on-line sessions
Three intensive weeklong workshops and two on-line sessions keep the project development in a constructive flow. Participants work in groups of four writers and a story editor, with a tutor heading the process. Lectures on dramaturgy, story editing and film analysis, for example, are an integral part of the course, in combination with master classes and one-on-one meetings with industry professionals. The tutors and trainers are experienced and well-connected professionals, both at a European and international level.
Participation fees & scholarships
Course participation fee for writers (from all eligible countries) is 2.000 Euro.
4 scholarships will be assigned by merit to participants coming from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Scholarships will also be assigned by merit to non-EU participants.
Course participation fee for story editors (from all eligible countries) is 1.000 Euro.
These amounts cover workshop training, on-line sessions, accommodation and subsistence. Participants must pay all travel costs. In many countries bursaries and scholarships are available for this kind of training.
How to apply?
20 applicants are selected to participate in Script&Pitch Workshops - TFL Training: 16 scriptwriters and 4 story editors.
Please apply to Script&Pitch Workshops - TFL Training by sending the application to and one hard copy to: Scritp&Pitch - TFL Training, via Cagliari 42, 10153 Torino - Italy
The application file must include, ALL IN ENGLISH:
- Curriculum Vitae (all applicants)
- synopsis (1 page maximum/only for writers)
- treatment (20 page maximum/only for writers)
- motivation (1 page maximum/only for story editors)
- one previous short film (not mandatory/only for writer-directors)*
*only 1 per applicant; showreels will not be accepted; the short film can either be uploaded on-line and sent by e-mail to (i.e. via Pando, Megaupload or other on-line storage and sharing platforms) or physically sent to the TorinoFilmLab office in a compressed format (Quicktime, .MP4) in 1 copy. The link or the CD/DVD must be received by the Script&Pitch / TorinoFilmLab staff no later than December 1st, 2010.
The selected projects of Script&Pitch Workshops - TFL Training must indicate TorinoFilmLab support both in the opening and closing credits, by displaying the TorinoFilmLab Logo, together with the caption "supported by TorinoFilmLab"
Antoine Le Bos
Scriptwriter, Story Editor
Franz Rodenkirchen
Story Editor
Gino Ventriglia
Story Editor
Marietta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten
Scriptwriter, Story Editor
Anita Voorham
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