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Opportunities > transmediale new media awards 2011


31 Jul 2010

transmediale new media awards 2011


[caption id="attachment_2602" align="alignright" width="280" caption="Elektrolab by Rachida Ziani & Dewi de Vree - photo by Jonathan Groeger"][/caption]

Call for Entries
: transmediale Award and Vilém Flusser Theory Award 2011.  Seeking outstanding entries that exemplify visionary, adventurous and critical forms of digital expression, interaction, and collaborative practice.  New Open Web Award category.

Entries from countries and regions in which digital art and culture are emergent are encouraged, as are positions that enrich our understanding of, and relationship to, technology and networked society.

The 24th edition of transmediale, festival for art and digital culture will take place from 1 to 6 Feb 2011 in the iconic House of World Cultures in Berlin.

Deadline: July 31 2010

The transmediale Award 2011 seeks original, innovative and visionary works across a wide scope of form, process and practice that embrace, question and enrich our understanding of and relationship to our globally complex, media immersed and technologically diverse society. Entries that exemplify new and critical forms of digital expression, interaction, and collaborative practice are encouraged, as are works from countries and regions in which digital art and culture are emergent.

Jury of the transmediale Award 2011 are Marisa Olson (New York), Matteo Pasquinelli (Amsterdam), Brandon Labelle (Berlin), Thomas Macho (Berlin), Defne Ayas (Shanghai).

For more information about the award and conditions of entry please see:

The Vilém Flusser Theory Award (VFTA) promotes innovative media theory and practice-oriented research exploring current and pending positions in digital art, media culture and networked society. The Award was initiated in 2008 as a collaboration with the _vilém_flusser_archive of the University of Arts, Berlin (UdK).

For more information about the award and conditions of entry please see:

The transmediale Open Web Award is a new platform for radical, creative and innovative art works and projects that:
- are on the web and about the web
- use open source, free, libre or other non-proprietary technology (may they be soft- or hardware)
- incite participation
They can be critical, celebratory or both. Projects should have the potential to demonstrate and/or objectively critique the potential of open web issues.