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Opportunities > UN invites 'Art for a Better Future' submissions for Milan Expo


20 Jan 2015

UN invites 'Art for a Better Future' submissions for Milan Expo

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The United Nations Organisation (UN) invites submissions for “Art for a better future”. They will select up to 60 works of art in digital form (painting, sculptures, video-art, etc.) to be displayed at the UN multimedia spaces during the Milan Expo 2015.

In light of the forthcoming Universal Exhibition in Milan next year (Expo 2015), the United Nations Organization has retained “Art for a better future' to select up to 60 works of art to interpret the Five Pillars of the Zero Hunger Challenge + the theme of Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality.

The United Nations Organization and “Art for a better future” share the common vision that Art is a universal language that inspires positive change, eliminates barriers and eases communication. Art motivates and unites individuals and organizations towards the common dream of a better world and society.

The selected works of art will be given high visibility with the international media and in dedicated UN multimedia spaces at the Milan Expo 2015 (UN stands, website, social media, etc.).

Deadline for entries: January 20 2015

Download brief and submission guidelines here