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Opportunities > UNESCO Call: Strengthen Governance of Culture


31 Jan 2011

UNESCO Call: Strengthen Governance of Culture


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Call for Experts: Technical Assistance to Strengthen the Governance of Culture in Developing Countries

UNESCO launches an international call for experts in the framework of the EU/UNESCO technical assistance project aimed at strengthening the system of governance for culture in developing countries.

This joint project contributes directly to the implementation of the 2005 Convention and aims to reinforce the role of culture as a vector for sustainable development and poverty reduction.

30 top experts will be selected through this call and will make up a “pool of experts”, reflecting diverse profiles, experiences and geographical regions and representing a wide range of competences and expertise related to the governance of culture.

Beneficiary countries (PDF, 38 kb) will select one or several expert(s) from this pool of experts to carry out technical assistance missions designed to build up human and institutional capacities in beneficiary countries at the national and local level.

Professionals with a minimum of 10 years of experience (minimum 7 years for applicants who are Nationals of beneficiary countries) are sought in fields relating to:

  • the elaboration and implementation of cultural policies; and/or

  • the development of cultural sectors and policy-making in developing countries; and/or

  • international cooperation in the field of culture.

Who can apply?
Eligible Nationals of countries having ratified the 2005 Convention. Applications from experts from developing countries are strongly encouraged.

Application documents:


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