UNESCO MOOC on Living Heritage and Sustainable Development

Join the free UNESCO MOOC on Living Heritage and Sustainable Development. How is intangible cultural heritage – or ‘living heritage’ – related to sustainable development? Why is it important to keep heritage alive?
How is intangible cultural heritage – or ‘living heritage’ – related to sustainable development? How is it relevant for addressing today’s development challenges in areas such as health, education, gender, natural disasters and conflict? UNESCO’s innovative and free Massive Open Online Course on Living heritage and sustainable development helps to understand the connections between the two.
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on living heritage and Sustainable Development opens on January 24, which developed by UNESCO in collaboration with ICHCAP, SDG Academy, and UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico – UNESCO Chair for Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity). Thirteen instructors from all over the world joined to deliver lectures.
By taking this course you can gain a better understanding of intangible cultural heritage and its relationships with sustainable development, exploring examples and experiences of communities from around the world!
This six-week course is self-paced which means that everybody can progress at its own speed, and it is free for everybody to join. You can enroll now and as of January 24 and until 31 August 2022 you can start exploring the interdependence between living heritage safeguarding and sustainable development.
What you'll learn
- Knowledge about living heritage and the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage;
- The role of communities in keeping their heritage alive;
- The relationship between intangible cultural heritage safeguarding and relevant development areas such as gender equality, cultural diversity and creativity, education, health, income generation and natural disasters and peacebuilding;
- The interdependence between the safeguarding of living heritage and sustainable development;
- Communities’ experiences of safeguarding their living heritage for sustainable development in diverse cultural contexts.
The course is self-paced, lasts around 6 weeks with 2-4 hours study per week.
Rethink development from a culture perspective, join the course now!
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