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Opportunities > Videonale 15 | open call


23 Jun 2014

Videonale 15 | open call

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Videonale 15 – Festival for Contemporary Video Art is the 30th edition of the international platform for video art and time-based art forms in Bonn.  On the theme of “The Call of the Wild” VIDEONALE 15 invites artists from all over the world to submit experimental moving-image-based works.

With VIDEONALE.15 (27/2 – 19/4/2015) the festival will celebrate its 30th anniversary with an exhibition and festival programme in the Kunstmuseum Bonn and the city of Bonn.

Taking “The Call of the Wild” as its subject, VIDEONALE.15 invites artists from all over the world to submit moving-image-based works which deal with the Wild as a space of possibility for new ways of thinking, seeing and being aware.

Which emotional, aesthetic, social and political conditions can nowadays be associated with “the Wild”? Does it embody the potential for describing new, still emerging fields of activity, depiction and thought which, for example, have their origins in the revision of traditional ideas about sexuality and race, the call for new forms of political and cultural participation, the breakdown of supposedly well regulated systems – as shown by the banking crisis and the monitoring scandals, the development of ever newer digital worlds of images and activities? How does the Wild inscribe itself in the moving image nowadays? And how do these images express the still unclearly defined state of this awakening? More information on the theme can be found in the pdf “Call for Entries”.

The works exhibited will compete for the Videonale Prize of the KfW Foundation, worth 5.000 euros, and the KfW Public Prize, worth 3.000 euros.

June 23 2014

Videonale, founded in Bonn in 1984, is the international platform for video art and time-based art forms. With VIDEONALE.15 (27/2 – 19/4/2015), the Festival for Contemporary Art will celebrate its 30th anniversary.