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Opportunities > Vienna | ATLAS training programme for emerging dance artists - registration open


15 Apr 2019

Vienna | ATLAS training programme for emerging dance artists - registration open

ATLAS – create your dance trails is a module-based training programme embedded in the ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival. It offers a dynamic environment that allows young dance artists with first choreographic experience to intensively work on their professional development.

Registration is open for this international training programme for emerging dance artists, taking place in Vienna 11 July - 11 August 2019. This is a subsidised paid programme - the registration fee includes accommodation and programme (no travel costs) - see website for full details.

Cost & registration:
The registration fee is €2,600
(The total amount normally is €5,200, thanks to the support of the EU Network LIFE LONG BURNING the costs were cut in half).  The registration is valid only after an advance payment of 800.

The programme is designed to address two of the most basic needs of emerging choreographers: access to studio space for research and creation as well as continued inspiration through top-class training possibilities, a broad range of international dance productions and the exchange with fellow artists from more than 100 countries as well as of course the peer-to-peer exchange whithin the group. On top, weekly showings give a chance to present works or work steps to an international audience.

An experienced ATLAS Buddy will advise the participants in the process of composing their individual programme, while an ATLAS Coach will accompany the participants' works dramaturgically during their stay. ATLAS Coach 2019 is the dance dramaturge Guy Cools. Previous performance fragments may but don't need to be included in this process.

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Registration deadline
15 April 2019, 12:00 noon CET