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Opportunities > Vienna | danceWEB scholarships for young dancers and choreographers


13 Dec 2013

Vienna | danceWEB scholarships for young dancers and choreographers



The danceWEB Scholarship Programme is a 5 week further training program taking place every year in July - August in Vienna within the frame of ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival.

The Programme offers around 65 young professional dancers and choreographers from mainly European but also from non European countries the possibility to take part in an intense multinational further training programme.

The programme focuses on the exchange of ideas and knowledge, not limited by national borders, on concentrated further training, on meeting with internationally renowned artists gathering in Vienna at ImPulsTanz with the aim to orient the career of the participants.

In order to achieve both its educational and artistic goals, the Scholarship Programme is supervised each year by artistic mentors selected amongst dance personalities, who have played a decisive part on an international level in the development of contemporary dance in recent years.

Over 800 young professional dancers and choreographers from over 70 countries have been part of this programme since its creation in 1996.

See website for details of what is covered by the scholarship. NOTE: the scholarship does not include travel and per diem expenses!

DEADLINE for applications: 13 December 2013

Image: danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2011 | © Hanna Bauer