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Opportunities > Walking Art - call for papers and artistic projects


31 May 2018

Walking Art - call for papers and artistic projects


A special issue of the Online Magazine InterArtive will be dedicated to Walking Art. Theorists, critics, curators and artists who work on the subject are invited to submit articles and projects for online publication as texts or online exhibitions.

This Call for Papers and Artistic Projects intends to record the history and the potential of walking as an art practice. The procedure of walk has been developed as an art practice from the beginning of Modernism. Since the '60s however it has become an established form of art expression. In contemporary art the walking practice is one of the main venues of exploring the cultural environment. As a consequence of that, there has been created a Walking Culture that is defined by a new realm of Aesthetics, related to the interaction of the Body to Landscape (and vice versa). The Walking Aesthetics are defined from the update of the concepts of Empiricism; the artist, or the cultural nomad, is interpreting the Landscape as an open field where s/he obtains experiences and, through them s/he develops ideas, concepts and her/his artwork. A particular set of emotions are created during the experience of walking in the landscape that shapes a characteristic venue of art expression, close to the concepts of Psychogeography.

The papers should examine the various aspects of walking as a contemporary methodology of expression and understanding of the social environment and the landscape (urban and rural) where human activity is realised. The papers could also examine the future of walking practice and its potential (in art, aesthetics and in its applications in pedagogy).

This special issue aims to address this important topic, by focusing on the realization of the walking approach as art practice, its theoretical background and the historical approaches of walking.  

We accept proposals that consider one or several of the following subjects, among others:

  • Walking as an autonomous art form
  • Psychogeography and contemporary art
  • Walking as a practice since the ‘60s: Land Art, Ephemeral Art, Sustainable Art
  • The Aesthetics of walking/ Walking as an artistic practice
  • The Environmental dimension of Walking Art
  • Walking Art and Ethnography
  • Walking Art and Narrative
  • Walking Art and Learning
  • Walking Art and Sustainability
  • Walking as a solitary and/or as a collaborative practice
  • Walking and Performance Art
  • Walking Art and collective memory
  • Walking and activism
  • The pedagogical dimensions of Walking Art
  • Walking Art in the digital era
  • Walking Art and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
  • Walking Art and Locative Media

Texts should be around 800 to 3000 words: PUBLISHNG GUIDELINES Texts

The works and art projects will be published in the form of Online Exhibition (images and short text): PUBLISHING GUIDELINES Artworks

Proposals (full papers and art projects) should be submitted up until May 31, 2018, by mail at: 

Image: Yannis Ziogas/Christos Ioannidis, Visual March to Prespes, 2012