ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Warsaw Photo Days | Open Programme | call for project entries


05 Sep 2013

Warsaw Photo Days | Open Programme | call for project entries



Submissions are now being accepted for the first edition of Warsaw Photo Days Open Programme based under the theme ‘CLASH’. Open Programme welcomes entries from visual artists both nationally and internationally, supporting all disciplines of photographic (and photography-based) practice.

Our Jury will select 3-5 projects which will be exhibited during the festival (Warsaw, Poland).

Our theme - ‘CLASH’ - may be understood and interpreted in a number of ways e.g.: mixed media practices, opposites, meetings, collisions, borders, body / spirituality, male / female, pixel / grain, full / void, culture / nature, passive / active, tradition / modernity, life / death, open / closed, light / dark, synthesis, pop culture / kitsch / high culture, global / local, documentary / fiction and others.

We are looking for both photographic and mixed media projects using photography and/ or video.

Submissions sent by email to have to include the following:

  1. pdf containing a set of photographs from the project (resolution 72 dpi), file size up to 5Mb;

  2. description in pdf - max. 1800 characters, that obligatory includes:

    1. -project statement (and how it relates to the theme);

    2. -information whether or not the project has already been presented (if so, where);

    3. -proposed formats and technical description;

    4. -brief artist’s bio;

    5. -for video work - a link to a web page;

    6. -contact information (email, phone, Skype, mailing address).

Our Jury will decline your submission if it does not follow all the guidelines.

All applications must be received by September 5, 2013 (23:59 CET).

One artist can submit one project for consideration.

There is no entry fee.


  • Application deadline: 5 September 2013 (23:59 CET)

  • Results: 15 September 2013 - announced on

  • Exhibitions: 4-31 October 2013

Terms and Conditions of participation: