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Opportunities > Weimar International Studio Program residency


15 Nov 2010

Weimar International Studio Program residency

None Applications invited from visual artists for 17th International Studio Program of the ACC Galerie Weimar and the City of Weimar in Germany - theme 'On Dilettantism'.

On Dilettantism

[see application details for full text]

We at ACC are not trained art experts. Our art space follows no model; it does not cultivate or continue the nice, middle-class tradition of the art associations (Kunstvereine) of Germany, which disappeared during forty years of communist dictatorship in East Germany. Shortly before the breakdown of the German Democratic Republic the need to begin this experiment manifested itself. Arising virtually from nothing in an illegally occupied house, ACC is a field test that has now lasted two decades. We are dilettantes, amateurs, career changers, art lovers who try to move intuitively rather than premeditatedly on a rough, winding way following the principles of “trial and error” and “learning by doing.”

Visual artists with an affinity for this theme, who feel motivated by this proposal to contemplate dilettantism and address it artistically, who can find something new in this text for their own work, are invited to apply to our program.

DEADLINE: all applications must be received in Weimar by 15 November

Applicants can choose between three different work periods in 2011-2012.

Residencies last 4 months.

Three artists will be selected and receive a monthly stipend, accommodation and studio.