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Opportunities > WindowSight - call for artists to join new pay per view visual art platform


31 Dec 2019

WindowSight - call for artists to join new pay per view visual art platform

WindowSight - a new platform for visual artists to publish and monetize their art is launching at the beginning of 2020. The app is currently in pre-launch phase and artists who want to join the earn per view system can now submit their art.

  • Window Sight SL is developing an app to access and display HQ visual art on TV.
  • WindowSight’s mission is to make high quality art accessible and democratic

WindowSight will allow art lovers worldwide to explore the content from their favorite visual artists, organize it in playlists, highlight it through likes, and follow the artists behind them. The key feature is that artworks can be displayed on TV by synchronizing the mobile app with the WindowSight TV app.

The app will launch at the beginning of 2020 and will be free for download. Users will choose between a Free and a Premium membership plan. The Free membership shares the same functionalities as the Premium membership, except the TV display feature.

TV display happens through the WindowSight TV app, which synchronizes with the mobile app to stream artworks. WindowSight requires that artworks be of high definition, since TVs hold 4K as a general resolution.

WindowSight has announced a worldwide open call for artists who would like to publish their art on the platform. On the first week, more than 50 artists from all around the world and from different fields: digital art, painting, motion art, illustration... joined WindowSight.

Artists memberships are exclusive to active professional artists whose work is created digitally, or can be digitized. WindowSight is based in the temporary possession in art movement and seeks to democratize the visual arts field: Artists get a predictable income alternative from the direct support of art lovers. In addition, Artist memberships are free and those who join and upload content before the launch get an extra 10% revenue, totaling a 60% on the profit generated by views.

Applicants just need to provide links to their work and some extra information to establish the agreement. The agreement between WindowSight and the artists states in depth the revenue system and specifies how the company will not own the artists’ rights or demand any exclusivity. Furthermore, it establishes how the company is committed to protect the artworks from illegal download.

NOTE: there is no published deadline for applications - the date given is indicative only

WindowSight is a Barcelona-based startup aiming to revolutionize the way people enjoy art.

We are a group of young entrepreneurs, passionate art consumers ourselves.

Our goal is to provide a platform in which accessibility and opportunity are absolutely mandatory.