WMA Masters competition | open call

From now till 15 September 2017, the WMA Masters invites both international and Hong Kong artists and image-makers to submit photographic works. The visual content must be related to Hong Kong and the chosen theme, “Transition”.
Finalists will be selected by a panel of international judges and their works will be exhibited in Hong Kong in Spring 2018. A full-colour catalogue will be published to coincide with the exhibition.

The WMA Masters will also host a series of talks, panels, and seminars during the exhibition period. The winner of WMA Masters will receive a cash prize of HKD$250,000. Each finalist will receive HKD$15,000.
Deadline for entries: 15 September 2017
About Transition
Transition: transform, adapt, adjust, alter, metamorphose. Transitions are the moments leading up to change. Sometimes they’re brief, other times they’re long processes. In language, transitions make our writing flow. In science, they’re the movement from one state of matter to another. In nature, they’re the graduation from one stage in a life cycle to a different phase. Transitions occur in politics, in gender, in seeking asylum. Hong Kong itself represents many forms of transition in areas such as housing, education, careers, immigration, healthcare and ageing. And while some would say these transitions have everything to do with returning Hong Kong’s sovereignty to China, others may see no connection at all.
Image: Kurt TONG - Threads of Sisterhood | joint winner of WMA Masters in 2016/17
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