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Opportunities > Young Audiences Research Network | call for proposals


01 Oct 2010

Young Audiences Research Network | call for proposals

None Call for papers and proposals on research into young theatre audiences for ASSITEJ World Congress, Copenhagen, 2011.

ITYARN, the ASSITEJ International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Network,  is calling for proposals for the Second International Theatre for Young Audiences Research Forum at the XVIIth ASSITEJ World Congress in Copenhagen-Malmoe May 20, 2011.

This network aims to advance critical inquiry in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) through the exchange and discussion of papers from scholars in and outside of the field of TYA. We intend to bridge the gap in scholarship between theatre for young people and theatre for adults, and between theory and practice, by discussing the field of TYA from multiple historiographical and theoretical perspectives related to the practice and the shifting material circumstances (social, cultural, economic, ideological and political) under which TYA is generated and perceived.

The ITYARN forum will take place over the course of one day, and consist of a keynote, a plenary session and seminars. Seminar proposals should focus on the theme of the conference, “TYA, Culture, and Society” and address material contexts under which productions are generated and perceived. For example, proposals may ask questions, such as how issues of gender, media, or diversity are reflected in content and form? They may inquire about the role of ethnicity and race, the affirmation or rejection of dominant ideologies in theatre, or reflections of class and local material circumstances in TYA. Proposals may address how the concept of child and childhood is reflected in TYA and what this says about the society in which this theatre has been originally conceived. Proposals could also reflect on the intersection of culture and aesthetics. Or: how do these issues affect perception and the generation of meaning?

Researchers who want to participate in the seminars should submit a 500 word proposals and sample bibliography by email in MSWord.doc. Proposals should include name, affiliation, and email address in the upper left corner. Proposals will be peer reviewed by the ITYARN board in October 2010. Notifications will go out November 2010.

For more information on ITYARN and to join the network go to For information on the 17th ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival see

Please email Proposals by October 1, 2010 to post [at]