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Opportunities > Young Composers in Southeast Asia | call


30 Jun 2011

Young Composers in Southeast Asia | call

None young composer postcard finalCompetition and Festival 2011, organised by the Goethe-Institut, inviting young composers from the Southeast Asia region to submit their work. Awards, workshops and festival concerts in Indonesia.

Young Composers in Southeast Asia

Competition & Festival 2011 | Call for Entries

Deadline extended: 30 June, 2011
Workshop | Festival | Award Ceremony: September | October 2011

For the second time, Goethe-Institut in Southeast Asia invites young composers of the region to present their compositions. The 2011 edition of the regional encounter is being organized in collaboration with Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung and Komunitas Salihara in Jakarta. As a special honneur to the host country Indonesia, this competition includes compositions for Western instruments, for Sundanese Gamelan Pelog Salendro instruments or a combination of the two.

An International Jury will select ten outstanding pieces. These will be discussed in a workshop in Bandung / Indonesia in autumn 2011. Goethe-Institut is proud to announce the participation of the Berlin-based group for contemporary music Ensemble Mosaik during the workshop and the festival. For the Sundanese instruments Kyai Fatahillah from Bandung will participate.

After the workshop, an International Jury will make a final decision and price-money will be awarded to three winners. Workshop and concerts will be held September 30 and of October 10.

We welcome composers from Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines and Vietnam to send in their work.

Deadline for entries is the 30 June 2013

young composer poster final (15 Oct)

All entries should be addressed to:
Goethe-Institut Jakarta
z.Hd. Katrin Sohns
Jl. Sam Ratulangi 9-15
Jakarta 10036
P.O. Box 3640