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Opportunities > Young Painter Prize 2012 | call


01 Sep 2012

Young Painter Prize 2012 | call

None [caption id="attachment_24721" align="alignleft" width="386" caption="Adomas Danusevičius, Don't ask, don't tell. 170x140cm, oil on canvas, 2010."][/caption]

The project “Young Painter Prize”, which is taking place for the fourth time, invites young artists from three Baltic States – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – to submit applications.

The main aim of the project is to present the brightest and most promising painters of the younger generation and to create an opportunity for public access to such dynamic new art. Moreover, this projects aims to help its target audience in both Lithuania and abroad – art collectors, managers, curators – discover new talents in Lithuania and Baltic States. This project is focused solely on artists under 30 years old (inclusive) from all disciplines who have acquired (or are in the process of acquiring) a diploma in art. The age limit has been imposed deliberately wishing to concentrate only on those very young artists who have just graduated (or are graduating) universities. This category of young artists is most vulnerable and has the largest need for support.

The applications of participants must be submitted by 1 September, 2012.

Main Prize – 2.500 EUR and two months’ residence in SIM, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Encouraging Prizes:

  • 2nd place winner’s prize: 500 EUR;

  • 3rd place winner’s prize: „DAILU - VISKAS DAILININKAMS IR MĖGĖJAMS“ presents a cheque of 1000 LT, for shopping in a store of artists’ resources.

  • Public Prize – DELFI prize.

Conditions for participation in the project:
1. All artists that have a degree in art or are studying it, as well as senior art students can participate in the project “Young Painter Prize 2012”;
2. Applications for participation should be submitted by the young artists under the age of 30 (inclusive);
3. The painting submitted for the competition should be created during the period of 2011/2012 (one artwork must be provided for the competition, selected by the artist at his/her own discretion);
4. By September 1, 2012, the due information should be submitted in e-variant (by e-mail: or CD form (by regular mail. Address: Jaunojo tapytojo prizas / Klaipėdos g. 7-19 / LT-01117 Vilnius / Lithuania), including:

  • Application form;

  • 5 artwork photos of a good quality (1 photo of the artwork devoted for the competition - marked as the main competitive artwork in order to distinguish it from others, and 4 photos of accompanying works). It is essential to indicate the registers of each artwork: the title of the artwork (in English), the size, its accomplishment technique and date. The top of the painting should be clearly indicated as well;

  • Creative biography (in English);

  • The descriptive conception of the competitive artwork (up to 1 page, in English);

5. The artist who has presented his/her painting for the competition, accepts the condition that the artworks of winners become property of the project organizers (this concerns the Main Prize of “Young Painter Prize 2012” as well as the Public Prize winners);
6. The artist who has presented his/her painting for the competition, accepts the condition that the project organizers have a right to use the creation for information dissemination purposes without the author’s agreement and without any copyright payment;
7. Former YPP Main Prize winners cannot participate in the project.

International evaluation commission of “Young Painter Prize 2012”:

1. Johannes Saar, The Center for Contemporary Arts, director, Estonia.
2. Hafthor Yngvason, Reykjavik Art Museum, director, Iceland.
3. Teresa Østergaard Pedersen, Jorn Museum, curator, Denmark.
4. Thorkild NB Nielsen, Galleri NB, gallerist, Denmark.
5. Jolanta Marcišauskytė Jurašienė, Modern Art Center, art critic, Lithuania.
6. Julija Petkevičienė, art critic, organizer of YPP, Lithuania.
7. Ivonna Veiherte, Gallery 21, gallerist, Latvia.
8. Dovilė Tumpytė, National Gallery of Art, curator, Lithuania.
9. Žygimantas Augustinas, artist, Lithuania.
10. Vita Zaman, Vienna contemporary art fair Viennafair, co-director, Austria.

For any further information on the project, please visit 

Source: YPP