ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Italy | call for PAC Landscape Environment and Creativity art submissions


03 Jun 2013

Italy | call for PAC Landscape Environment and Creativity art submissions


P.A.C.2 Landscape Environment and Creativity is a call for artwork submissions (performances, installations, visual art) created to “inhabit” an area of Landscape – Villa Nappi park in Polverigi - in an event/walk that will take place on June 29 2013 during the InteatroFestival.

A maximum of 10 projects will be selected by a special commission: unusual, audacious, innovative works – evaluated for their originality, artistic quality, relevance and consistency with the space and theme, respect for the characters of “uniqueness”, “ephemeral” and “shelf life”, “low technique” – that will be invited to the Event of 29th June, where the viewers will give their preferences.

The work receiving the most votes by the viewers will receive a monetary prize of € 500.

The allowed artistic formats are: performance, installation, painting, sculpture.  Supplementary materials, useful for evaluating the compatibility of the spaces with the projects, on

To the selected projects will be given wide visibility in the festival program and through a online and offline campaign of communication.

Applications with all the requested documentation (look at the integral call), must be received no later than

Monday, June 3rd,  2013 (does NOT postmarked):

post: Inteatro – Villa Nappi, Via Marconi 77  – 60020 Polverigi (An) – Italy.
Please indicate in the mail or on the envelope: “APPLICATION P.A.C. II edition“

For more detailed information, please read the full version of the CALL - see website for English and Italian versions.