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Opportunities > Paris | International Residency Couvent des Recollets


22 Jun 2011

Paris | International Residency Couvent des Recollets


The City of Paris and the Institut français offer an international residency programme dedicated to established writers and artists in the fields of visual and performing arts who have already achieved international recognition.

INTERNATIONAL RESIDENCE AT COUVENT DES RECOLLETS A residency programme at the Récollets International Accommodation and Exchange Centre in Paris dedicated to established foreign artists and writers.

DISCIPLINES Visual arts - Performing arts - Literature

THE RESIDENCE PROGRAMME The purpose of the residence programme is to host artists and writers who have a specific project to develop in Paris. This project should preferably be carried out in partnership with a previously specified local institution or other structure, a company, or an artist, in Paris or the surrounding area for artists in the fields of visual or performing arts and for writers as part of a research project. The project should be developed in Paris, in harmony with the host town and its cultural environment. This residence, which is a privileged period of reflection and creativity for the artist, will contribute to the presence and visibility of international artists in Paris.

PROFILE OF CANDIDATES This programme is aimed at individual established writers and artists. The candidates must : - have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience, - show evidence of previous work and of an artistic career that is already significantly developed, - speak French or English, - be able to free themselves from other professional activities during the period of the residency.

PROCESS AND CRITERIA OF SELECTION The selection will be made by a consultative committee composed of professionals from the relevant disciplines. Particular attention will be paid to the artistic quality of the project being proposed, to the necessity of a stay in Paris for the completion of the project, and to the manner in which it will be carried out. An artist who has already benefited from a residency under the Récollets programme may not reapply with a new project within 3 years.

LENGTH OF STAY 3 consecutive months without breaking off and limited travels abroad at the most. The residences will take place from January to December 2012.

THE NATURE OF THE SUPPORT Institut français will allocate a 1500 € fixed monthly allowance. This is intended to cover living expenses such as food, local transport, etc. The City of Paris will cover the rental of accommodation at the Couvent des Récollets for the duration of the residence. Before arrival in France, the candidate must take out health insurance coverage which includes repatriation if necessary. Travel expenses to and from France are the responsibility of the artist.

APPLICATION DOCUMENTS The applications should be completed online at the website "international residences at Récollets":

Deadline for applications: June 22, 2011.

This opportunity came via Artservis (Thanks!)