ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development - Mobility Fund


31 Oct 2018

Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development - Mobility Fund


The Prince Claus Fund’s Mobility Fund supports the cross-cultural exchange of artists and cultural practitioners. By covering travel costs, such as economy class plane or train tickets, the Mobility Fund assists in the professional growth and networking abilities of those it supports. The Mobility Fund is open throughout the year to receive applications.

It is specifically intended for artists and cultural practitioners living in, residing in and travelling from countries listed on the DAC list. Cultural professionals who are in possession of any passports from a country which is not on the DAC list are not eligible.

Please also note, the Mobility Fund does not include accommodation, visa, transfer or per diem costs.

PLEASE NOTE: the deadline given on this website is indicative only - applications may be made throughout the year as long as they respect the criteria and timeline below.

General Criteria

 Emerging artists and cultural workers are encouraged to apply (individuals or those representing independent cultural/artistic organisations);

 Priority is given to young artists within the first 10 years of their career; Special attention is given to women artists and LGBTQI community related projects.

 Applications focusing on contemporary artistic and cultural disciplines including cultural capacity building are encouraged;

 Only applicants travelling from and holding passports of countries listed on the DAC list are eligible for funding. Cultural professionals who are in possession of any passports from a country which is not on the DAC list are not eligible;

 A maximum of two individuals applying for the same event/project is permitted, with clearly justified and complementary roles for each person in the travel itinerary (both application will be considered separately).


Applications must be received at least 8 weeks before the intended date of travel; applications sent in later can unfortunately not be considered.

 Successful grantees must request reimbursement maximum 4 weeks after the travel has taken place. Reimbursement is granted only at this time, and not before the intended travel.