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Opportunities > Toyota Foundation | International Grant Programme


21 Jun 2013

Toyota Foundation | International Grant Programme


The Toyota Foundation's Asian Neighbours international grant programme targets Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. It offers grants for one-year projects (starting November 2013) focused on thematic areas of Aging society; Multicultural society; Consensus-building on local environmental issues.

Toward Solutions Through Mutual Learning: Issues That Emerging Southeast Asia And Japan Share

Dynamic changes have transformed many, if not all, countries in Asia. A number of countries in the region have become more prosperous. These countries will soon share similar challenges with Japan. As equals, Japan and these countries need to create a new style of cooperation. Benefit from mutual learning gets larger than ever before.

Project applicants: A team or a network of members from various backgrounds, with a proven record of delivering results in one of the thematic areas (priority is given to habitants in those five countries)

Expected outputs: A policy recommendation that can be disseminated among relevant stakeholders

Maximum grants: a) Project focusing on one of the target countries: 3 million yen
b) Project focusing on more than two countries with comparative nature: 6 million yen

Deadline for applications: 21 June 2013

See website for detailed guidance on how to apply.