ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Opportunities > Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge


30 Sep 2022

Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge

United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), in partnership with UNESCO, is calling for submissions from young eco-artists for their RCE* Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge.  

The worldwide challenge is open to anyone aged 35 or younger, and submissions should consist of creative works of art with a focus on SDG 14 (life below water) or SDG 15 (life on land).

The organisers are looking for creative works that put a spotlight on environmental issues and the species, habitats and ecosystems that need to be protected.

Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge categories

Is your favourite animal or plant species under threat?

  • Show one of your favourite animal or plant species which is currently under threat 
  • Explain how this species can be protected and restored—what actions can people take today in their communities?

How can we protect the habitats and ecosystems within our regions?

  • Show one of your favourite places which is being impacted by biodiversity loss
  • Explain why it needs to be protected—what actions communities can take to conserve this place?

Entry requirements 

  • Participants must be aged 35 or younger 
  • Participants must be individuals 
  • Entries are limited to three entries per participant
  • The artwork must not have previously been submitted for another contest
  • The artwork must be the participant’s original work
  • Entries can utilise any art medium—photos, drawings, paintings, sketches, murals, the list is endless—however all submissions must be static (no animations) and limited to one frame/image of the artwork
  • Submissions must include a short statement to explain how it answers the questions

Application guidelines 

Deadline: 30 September 2022

* RCEs are Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development